Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Daddy Is Driving

A speaker has shared his experience:

While his family and he were in Europe, there was once that they had to drive 3 days continuously, day and night, to get to Germany. So, they all got into the car -- he, his wife, and his 3 years old daughter.

His little daughter has never traveled at night before. She was scared the first night in the car, with deep darkness outside.
"Where are we going, Daddy?" "To your uncle's house, in Germany."
"Have you been to his house before?" "No."
"Then, do you know the way?" "Maybe, we can read the map."
Short pause. "Do you know how to read the map?" "Yes, we will get there safely."

Another pause. "Where are we going to eat if we get hungry before arriving?" "We can stop by restuarants if we are hungry."
"Do you know if there are restaurants on the way?" "Yes, there are."
"Do you know where?" "No, but we will be able to find some."
The same dialogue repeated a few times within the first night, and also the second night. But on the third night, his daughter was quiet.

The speaker thought that she might have fallen asleep, but when he looked into the mirror, he saw that she was awake and was just looking around calmly. He couldn't help wondering why she was not asking the questions anymore --

"Dear, do you know where we are going?" "Germany, Uncle's house."
"Do you know how we are getting there?" "No."
"Then why aren't you asking questions anymore?"
"Because Daddy is driving."

Because Daddy is driving. This answer from a 3 years' old girl has then become the strength and help for this speaker for the many years follow whenever he has questions and fears on his journey with the Lord. Yes, our Father is driving.

We may know the destination (and sometimes we may just know it like the little girl -- "Germany", without understanding where or what it really is). We do not know the way, we do not know how to read the map, we do not know if we can find restaurants along the way. But the little girl knew the most important thing -- Daddy is driving -- and so she is safe and secure. She knows that her Daddy will provide all that she needs.

Do you know your Daddy, the Great Shepherd, is driving today? What are your behavior and response as a passenger, His child?
You may have asked many questions before, but can you like the little girl, start to realize the most important focus should be "Daddy is driving?"

Monday, May 4, 2009

Hang On To Your Faith

Below is an article on having faith and believing in God's Word & his promises.

The devil's whole strategy is to get us to turn loose of our faith in God and His Word.MARK 4:15
Some people are like the seeds that fall along the path,; as soon as they hear the message, Satan comes and takes it away.

How can the devil steal the Word from someone? Only when it seems untrue. People don't turn loose of what they believe is true.So, to steal the Word, the devil must convince people it's not true. The devil does this by getting us to focus on what our senses tell us, instead of on God's Word, the seed which changes our circumstances when we retain it.As with any seed, the full manifestation of its life is not apparent immediately, but manifests over time with the proper care. God's Word will change your circumstances!If you don't believe God's Word, you won't act on it. Without following God's instructions, you will not be made free (see John 8:31-32).Actions cannot be separated from believing. Whatever you are acting on is what you really believe.In the New Testament, "faith" is the noun and "believe" is the verb form of the same Greek word. So, hanging on to your faith means to keep believing what God said -- regardless of circumstances.HEBREWS 10:23

Let us hold on firmly to the hope we profess, because we can trust God to keep his promise.
A key to hanging on to your faith is found in what you say. When you speak of fear and doubt, faith shrivels. But when you speak faith words in line with the Bible, your faith grows strong.The devil tries to get you to doubt God and His Word. The devil wants you to give up on God, to not trust Him, to not expect Him to do what He said in His Word. Do not give up! God can be trusted.SAY THIS: I will keep on believing and acting on God's Word.

God Bless us all.